Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20

The Special Feasts - Exodus 23:14-17, 34:23-24; Deuteronomy 16:16-17; 1. Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread - Exodus 34:18; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Numbers 9:13-14; Leviticus 23:4-8; Numbers 28:16-25; 2. Feast of Weeks - Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Leviticus 23:9-21; Exodus 34:22; Numbers 28:26-31; 3. Feast of Trumpets - Leviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 29:1-6; 4. Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16:1-34, 23:26-32; Numbers 29:7-11; 5. Feast of Tabernacles - Leviticus 23:33-44; Numbers 29:12-40; Deuteronomy 16:13-15

Two "booths" built for the Feast of Tabernacles - one Jewish and the other by Christians honoring the tradition and sharing in the realization that our place here on Earth is only temporary.

Wow, I wish we lived during the times of the great feasts to the Lord.  Well, four feasts and one fast.  Amazing, the parade of animals sacrificed (making even more amazing the release of one small goat, the scapegoat, alive) and two of the feasts are weeklong celebrations.  The Lord specifically commands the people to be joyful at two of the feasts and in another one the trumpets are to sound.  How could you not help but shout for joy when those trumpets sounded?!

Of course, we do have our feast.  

I think we've done communion a disservice by reducing it to a small fingertip-size bit of cracker and a thimble-full sip of grape juice.  Where's the supper in that?  It not only minimizes the portions but it also minimizes the celebration.

How about a Sunday morning where the entire church is dismissed at communion to the gym for a real Lord's Supper?

Of course, the Feast of Booths caught my eye.  Living outside the comforts of home, raising a temporary structure and remembering their time of wandering.  We are just camped out here on Earth.  Wouldn't it be amazing to do this with a church?  Have us all camp out to remind us that we are only temporary citizens on this Earth and that are real dwelling is with God.

For in the day of trouble
He will keep me safe in his dwelling;
He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle
And set me high upon a rock.

We get too comfortable, too permanent, too caught up in the culture of we are where we live and what zip code we can afford to live in and what neighborhood in that zip code we call home.  We take such pride in something that won't last.  It's a bit silly, isn't it?  Lavishing such time and attention and pride in something that will just melt away in the face of the Son.  

Lord forgive me.

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