Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 17

The Lawgiver Urges Obedience (Continued) - Deuteronomy 9:1-29, 10:1-22, 11:1-32

A drawing done by a German artist during the Second World War, Kathy Kollwitz, of a woman who's lost her husband.

Monument in Japan to the war widows.  The two countries America defeated during WWII both have art honoring the pain and sorrow of widows.  But does the great victor of WWII have a memorial to widows?  I don't know of you?

"He [the Lord] defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.  And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt." [Deut. 10:18]

God has a heart for the fatherless, widows and aliens -- the overlooked and disenfranchised in society.  Widows and aliens sure aren't very glamorous causes.  And we seem to take more offense that show compassion to aliens.  We think they will come in and take what is ours.  Ironically, like the Israelites, we came into this country and took it from others.  We are aliens here.  Yet we fear others will do what we've done.

What right do we have to claim for ourselves what is only God's to give?

In today's reading, Moses warns the Israelites that they are not taking possession of the land because of their righteousness.  Why is it we always think we're due the blessings we have?  Why do we think we'd never commit the sins the Children of Israel did?  

The only difference between them and us that I can grace.

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