Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 2

Construction of the Tabernacle (Continued) - Exodus 39:2-43, 40:1-35

Tent Revival

"Moses did everything just as the Lord commanded him." [Exodus 40:16]

And I do mean EVERYTHING.  Looks like Moses is a one-man Tabernacle band in this reading.  It's like he sets up the entire thing himself on it's trial run.  But then he did spend all of that time with God up on the mountain, 40 days, so he's the only one that really knows first hand how this thing goes up.  And to whom much is given much will be required.

Ever put up a new tent?  It's an activity that tests many an individual, marriage and family.  Now how about putting one up without any handy diagrams or instructions?  And how about a  really, really big tent.  I can see Moses racing around trying to get the frames and stands and loops all to line up.  Do  you think it went together without a hitch the first time?  Ahhhh, that would be a miracle in my book.

Moses gets it set up and God goes inside and tries out His new digs.  I suppose He likes it because His glory fills the tabernacle.  The Creator of the Universe on Earth...and in a tent.  It's amazing that the Lord wants to camp out with us.  But he does.  And there's no more intimate activity among friends and family.  Camping out together you just can't help get to know someone.

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