A Remnant Flees to Egypt - Jeremiah 40:7-16, 41:1-18, 42:1-22, 43:1-13, 44:1-30, 51:64; 2 Kings 25:23-26

Egyptian Queen of Heaven
Ten days later the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. Jeremiah 42:7
The people ask Jeremiah to consult with God as to what they should do. It takes ten days for God to get back to them. Why? Is it to illustrate to us that sometimes part of God's answer is that we need to have patience? Certainly God didn't have to weigh His response. The delay was obviously for the people's good. Was it so they would anticipate and long for His answer? The tension building? Wondering and whispering among themselves, guessing at how He might respond.... Or was it so their request for a direction from God would impress itself on them?
The people wanted God's direction and they made it clear that they would follow it. But, then, Jeremiah comes back - 10 days later - with the word of the Lord and they immediately say they won't do it. Because He asks them not to go to Egypt to remain in captivity in Babylon. They were ready to do anything. Just not that. It seemed counter what they thought God would expect of them. God doesn't often do what we think He should do. His ways are not our ways.
Lord knows.